Souls in Purgatory

My bond with the Souls in Purgatory began in the 1960’s when the smooth flow of life with its fun and laughter got disturbed. My older brother got ensnared in bad company, vices, and alcoholism. This habit of alcoholism did not exist in our family, so for me personally it had a damaging effect. Day time was unpredictable and every night was to be dreaded. His returning home late at night, after night duty, in a drunken state caused much concern and sleepless nights. Being of little faith then, I saw this as a punishment from God, sending us minor tragedies, making life unpredictable, stressful, and unhappy.

In those unhappy troublesome days, my prayers turned to the souls in Purgatory. I did not pray for the conversion of my brother; it did not strike me to do so. Every night, if he did not return home at the regular time, I would make a deal with the souls in Purgatory. It was something like, “I will offer my Mass tomorrow or for the next 3 days (depending on how fearful I was) if you bring my brother within the next 5 minutes”. There he would be at the door in a short while, drunk no doubt but safely home. I realized then, the value of each mass, for the Souls in Purgatory.

Now I realize that the Souls in Purgatory were praying for us, Twenty years later, in May 1980, my brother began attending the meetings of Alcoholic Anonymous and a life of sobriety began for him. For the next 30 years, he was fully involved in bringing alcoholics to these meetings and peace into their homes. The attendance at his funeral in January 2013 was a proof of the number.

Along with my brother, a conversion began for me. I had an experience of God’s love for me, in and through Jesus. My prayers then began to be for the souls in Purgatory and not to them. It continues till today, at every Mass. My daily prayer is for an Exodus of souls from Purgatory to Paradise, with a grand celebration.

I believe the most effective means to help deliver the souls in Purgatory is offering Mass and being present at it. The value of one Mass is immeasurable. Also, the daily Rosary; Stations of the Cross; our sufferings, sacrifices, united with the sufferings of Jesus and placing them in the hands of Mary are powerful.

For ourselves, let us make the most of the time available to us to ensure that none of us goes to Purgatory. Let us seize every opportunity to be pure & holy, through repentance of sins, acts of humility and mercy. Let us teach our children to pray for the Souls in Purgatory; their prayer has immense power. Retired people and those who have free time, if they went to Mass daily would store up a treasure of Grace for themselves, their deceased and for thousands of souls.

May the souls of our dear ones and those who have no one to pray for, have the joy of seeing God face to face, soon.

J. Rodrigues