The Renewed Paul

“Paul, Paul, why do you persecute me?” Paul who was persecuting the Christians encountered Jesus for the first time and that was it, He changed his entire life for Christ. From that moment on, he was a new person he decided never again will he trouble the Christians but instead will proclaim the good word to others. The conversion of Paul gives us three points to ponder upon.

1. Encounter with Jesus: Paul truly encountered Jesus even though he was not at all ready for it; however God had a plan for Paul. We might say to our self “Wow I, wished I too could have a true encounter with Jesus and my life would be transformed”. We all are more fortunate to encounter Jesus daily through the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Communion but alas so casual is our life that we ignore the presence of Jesus in there. Only if we had understood and felt the living Jesus therein Holy Communion than our life would have transformed like Paul’s.

2. Determination: Paul after encountering Jesus was determined not to hurt Jesus any longer by persecuting the Christians. He changed his life and worked for the glory of God. This made him one of the most zealous apostles. We too need to be more determined not to hurt Jesus. After every confession, we need to take a firm determination to avoid the near occasion of sin.

3. Focus: After Paul’s conversion his focus was clear. “To win souls for Christ” As we step into the new year with new goals & resolutions let us also set a goal/resolution for our spiritual life so that we remain focused on Christ all our life.

This New Year may you be blessed with good health and happiness of both body and Soul. Happy New Year 2023!!

Neville Fernandes
Ward 14