Hidden catechism in the playing cards

The “Jack”
The ‘Jack’ in the playing cards symbolizes ‘the Prince of Darkness’- the Devil or Satan. The devil is also powerful but not as powerful as our Almighty God. The Satan came to Eve in the form of a serpent and tempted Eve and Adam to eat the fruit from the tree which God had forbidden them to eat, and thus they committed sin and lost grace (Genesis 3). The Satan also tried to tempt Jesus but Jesus didn’t fall prey to Satan (Matthew 4:1-11). All Synoptic Gospels identify Satan as the leader of demons. Luke 10:18 refers to “Satan falling from heaven” and Matthew 25:41 mentions “the Devil and his angels”, who will be thrown into hell. The devil is always around us and is roaring like a lion, he devours those he can. All our bad thoughts, words and actions come from devil. All the good things come from God. Let’s listen to God and follow His commandment and not of Satan. We are the children of Light (God/Jesus) and not of darkness.

The “Queen”
The ‘Queen’ in the playing cards symbolizes mother Mary. She is the queen of heaven and earth(Rev 12). Mother Mary is the queen of holiness, humility, love, sacrifice, etc. And most of all she is the queen of our family and delight of God’s eye. Our fifth glorious mystery tells us, that most holy trinity crowned Mother Mary as the queen. Mother Mary is the mother of Jesus and also the mother of God. Through Mary the redeemer was born, through Mary God became man. Let’s accept mother Mary as the queen and surrender our life into her hands so that she may guide and protect us.

-Fr. Leslie Gomes