Liberation day

When we hear the word Liberation day, what is our first thought? Holiday! It is only then that some of us may retrospect on why we get this holiday. Then, we think, Oh! We have to attend flag hoisting and of course, then, from the speeches, we get to know a miniscule of our Freedom struggle.
19th December 2021 marks the 60th anniversary of our Freedom; Freedom from the Portuguese Rule. They ruled over us for 450 years imbibing in us some of their values, culture, religion and so on. Ask any Goan today who lived in those times; you will get a mixed reaction on the Portuguese Regime. Some even lament that they were defeated by the Indian forces.
I was reading the interview of our last King from the Soudegar dynasty by the Reporter of Streets. He, too, lamented on the invasion by the Indian army. Why is this such a big question mark? But at the same time, speaking to some of our freedom fighters who went through the struggle, we know how the common man did suffer; there was no freedom of religion, no freedom to education, freedom to follow our own culture, we were suppressed so that they could control us. Only those who played the part of being traitors got a few benefits, they looted all our resources.
Now, what is our status? At the time we were liberated, the then Prime minister of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, was upset that the Goans rejected the party from Delhi and got the local party elected. After that, we upset our own apple cart by having all controversies, our so called leaders wanted to merge with Maharashtra, that was not to be, and finally we got our statehood in 1987. Instead of preserving and marching forward keeping our identity we have lost it.
Coming to what I feel; to be truly liberated is to be liberated from all sense of belonging to our place, creed, caste and religion too. I say this as even Christ did not cast out the Gentiles, we must know that we are travellers on this planet Earth. It belongs to our Creator and not to us. Of course, certain norms and guidelines have to be followed to have a certain discipline and order in our lives. Finally, let us be liberated in such a way that our focus is not disrupted.
So, to all those who are reading this article, Retrospect, Respect, Recognize, Reciprocate, Respond and above all, be Reasonable. Happy Liberation Day, 2021!

-By Gladys Da Silva