Remembering the importance of the Ascension of Christ

The Ascension of Christ is a significant event in Christian theology. This year it will be celebrated on 21st May in the Catholic Church. It marks the moment when Jesus Christ, the Son of God, returned to Heaven after His resurrection from the dead. It is a critical component of Christianity, as it represents the culmination of Christ’s mission on Earth, His victory over death and sin, and His ultimate return to the Father.

The event of the Ascension is recorded in the New Testament in the Book of Acts of the Apostles, chapter 1, verses 9-11. It describes how, after spending forty days with His disciples following His resurrection, Jesus led them to the Mount of Olives, where He blessed them and then ascended into Heaven, disappearing from their sight as He rose up into the sky. Two angels then appeared to the disciples, telling them that Christ would return in the same way as He left.

The Ascension is an essential part of Christian theology because it represents the completion of Christ’s mission on Earth. Through His death and resurrection, Christ overcame sin and death, and by ascending to Heaven, He established His authority over the entire universe. This is why the Ascension is often referred to as Christ’s coronation, as He takes His rightful place.

Furthermore, the Ascension is significant because it marks the moment when Christ sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within His followers. In the book of John, Christ promises His disciples that He will send the Holy Spirit to be with them, and this promise is fulfilled after the Ascension. The Holy Spirit is now present with all who believe, guiding and empowering them to continue Christ’s mission of spreading the gospel to all nations.

The Ascension also serves as a source of comfort and hope for all. As the angels told the disciples, Christ will return in the same way as He left.

In conclusion, the Ascension of Christ is a critical event in Christian theology, representing the completion of Christ’s mission on Earth and His ultimate victory over sin and death. It establishes His authority over the universe and gives believers the assurance of His return to establish His eternal kingdom. The Ascension is a source of comfort and hope for all believers, reminding us that Christ is ultimately in control and that He will one day make all things new.

Louella Santimano e Dias