WORK – An Instrument of Holiness

“Is he not the carpenter’s son?”(Mt. 13:55)

Work, is indeed, an instrument of holiness. We all know and say, “Work is Worship!” Any form of work – at home, at one’s place of work, towards society as a whole, is and has to be viewed and accepted with dignity.

St. Joseph, did not do extra ordinary things but rather, by the constant practice of the ordinary and common virtues, he attained that sanctity, which elevates him, above all the other saints. (St. Joseph Marello).  In 1955, an additional feast day, was declared by Pope Pius XII and is celebrated on May 1st, as the feast of St. Joseph, the worker. This date, is also the International Workers’ Day and believed to reflect St. Joseph, as the Patron Saint of Workers.  He taught Jesus the trade and craft of carpentry and with that, the child Jesus, engaged Himself, with His earthly Father, in skilled physical labour.

May 1st, provides us the opportunity, to deepen our understanding, of the meaning and dignity of human work, as well as, to take action to contribute, to a more just society. The memorial of St. Joseph, also calls us, in a special way, to be close to those, who do not have access, to dignified work and to petition God, for the strength and courage, to pursue such work.

While work, is an important part, of our spiritual walk, with Christ, may we, through our work, be able to demonstrate, the peace, joy and love of St. Joseph, who always directs us to his son Jesus. We should try, to be more like him, by showing the values of compassion, care, thoughtfulness and kindness to our co-workers and treat them with respect. Let us strive, then, to be role models, to our children, at home, by respecting each other and all those people, who help in making our work, easier, be it the elders at home or an extra hand – the maid, the milkman or the driver.

Today’s children are tomorrow’s future! Actions, speak louder than words, for values, are caught, and not taught! St. Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, spouse of the Virgin Mary, proclaimed as the Patron of the Universal Church. As Catholics, we should look up to him, as our role model of virtue, holiness and trust in the plans of God. May, St. Joseph always guard, protect and enlighten our families, as we tread, life’s journey with faith, to overcome all difficulties, with the certainty, that God never abandons us.

Sherida D’souza