Pormoll Editorial – April 2019

We are midway through the season of Lent and very shortly we will celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Easter is round the corner. Presently most of us, if not all, do practice some of the known ways of doing penance, fasting, giving alms, in keeping with the Lenten Spirit. In the words of Pope Francis, we can Fast from hurting words, sadness, anger, pessimism, worries, complaints, pressures, bitterness and selfishness. Many a times we are overburdened with our own issues, having no time for others. Overburdened with wealth and riches, always looking for opportunities to gain more and more. In addition to our wealth, we also boast of our talents, ideas and capabilities which we keep to ourselves. The ideas & God given talents remain with us and get buried along with our bodies when we die. I am reminded of the book “Die Empty” by Todd Henry. He beautifully writes that the richest land in the world is the cemetery, because millions of people have departed carrying along with them their talents and many valuable ideas that did not come to light and benefit others. All this lies buried in the Cemetery. What an inspiring thought. We need to motivate ourselves to pour out our wealth, our ideas and potential energies and turn them into something useful for our brethren. The most striking message in the book is “Do not go to your grave and carry inside you the best that you have – always choose to die empty”. In addition to sharing a part of our wealth, let us share the good qualities and goodness that is within us. Before we leave, let us deliver it to the world.
What better time to practice these thoughts? This Lenten season, if you have an idea perform it, if you have knowledge give it out, if you have a goal achieve it. Let us love, share & distribute and not keep it to ourselves. Let us begin to give and spread every atom of goodness inside us. In the words of Todd Henry, let all of us start the race to Die Empty.
Until we meet again.

Felix Dias