All that glitters in not gold

Appearances do not always appear to be true. What appears good in the beginning might really be bad. The proverb, “All that glitters is not gold”, very well applies to human life as well as material things. Simply because something is attractive or beautiful does not mean that thing is valuable.

Going by the appearances can be disastrous. In this world of deception and deceit, what is seen outwardly is not the reality. Often the charming appearances hide the evilness of the wicked. The good looking innocent people who are the perfect cheats of the day. We would come across people who are beautiful and attractive. They would speak so softly and behave very politely that we believe they are gentle. But in reality that might not be their true character. Similarly some people sound harsh and speak straight forward. By their behaviour alone we should not come to a conclusion that they are bad.

Things are not found the way they are displayed in the advertisements. We all get fooled so easily with the television advertisements. Things shown on the T. V and in reality end up to be two different things.

Everyone and everything should be gauged upon by their personalities and characteristic qualities rather than just the outer appearances. A false appearance may mislead us to wrong people who intend nothing but the odious, but being patient enough to know who one really is will keep us away from the wrong ones.

Keeping in mind this proverb in the modern day is highly significant as it will not only help in making the right choices but also help one in their personal growth and development of all sorts.

Nelly Falcao
Ward 18