Cholesterol  – “A necessary evil”

Lipid Profile is one of the basic investigations requisitioned by one’s family physician / consultant. This includes estimation of Serum Total Cholesterol, HDL – cholesterol (the good cholesterol), LDL – cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and Serum Triglycerides.

Cholesterol is synthesized in our body as well as present in our dietary food. It is appropriately termed as “A necessary evil”. It is required for the synthesis of Vitamin D, steroid hormones and bile acids. It is an important structural component of the cell membrane.

On the other hand, high levels of cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease due to deposition of fatty deposits in the blood vessels leading to atherosclerosis. These deposits can break suddenly and form a clot causing a heart attack or a cerebral stroke. Thickening of the blood vessels can lead to hypertension.

Following are the measures to be taken to avoid / tackle high cholesterol levels.

    1. Dietary approach
      • Increase soluble fibre – Soluble fibre found in foods such as kidney beans, oatmeal, apples and pears reduces the absorption of cholesterol into your bloodstream
      • Add whey protein – Whey protein found in dairy product helps to lower LDL – cholesterol levels as well as Blood Pressure
      • Eat foods rich in Omega – 3 fatty acids – Like salmon, mackerel, herrin, walnuts and flex seeds. These have a protective action on the heart
      • Reduce foods rich in saturated fats –like red meats, full fat dairy products, poultry with skin and fat milk
      • Eliminate Trans-fats – Often used in margarines, cookies, and cakes. These raise overall cholesterol levels
    2. Exercise and Increased Physical Activity
      Exercising upto 30 minutes a day helps to increase HDL – cholesterol and reduce total cholesterol.Brisk walking, jogging, swimming and cycling are recommended at least five times a week.
    3. Lose Weight
      Carrying even a few extra pounds contributes to high cholesterol.
    4. Quit Smoking – This improves your HDL – Cholesterol, blood circulation & lung functioning
    5. Drink Alcohol in moderation
      This has been linked with higher levels of HDL – cholesterol but the benefits aren’t strong enough to recommend alcohol for anyone who doesn’t already drink
    6. Medication
      If above measures doesn’t work consult your Doctor who will recommend the appropriate use of drugs called statins.

Dr. Noel Menezes
M.B.B.S, M.D
Associate Professor – Department of Biochemistry – Goa Medical College