Joy of Being a Catechist – By Sherida D’Souza
After having been with students all along, I really wanted to give back to the church by doing what I did best, “Teach.” It’s been 2 years already, a beautiful experience of being a Catechist. To be able to go through the lessons in Konkani and prepare myself to teach the same in English, was an impending challenge. A Catechist must strive to increase one’s faith daily and lead the Young Minds to say ‘Yes’ to the faith in Jesus Christ. It’s an integral part for a Catechist, of both learning-teaching experience. Being able to realize that there’s so much I can still learn, for learning never ends, is what makes it even more exceptional.
“We are the Messengers of the Good News.” A Catechist isn’t just an educator but a friend, a guide, a counselor who can echo God’s word to the children entrusted to your care, to draw them closer to God and manifest in them a life-long commitment to the service of God and the church.
Together, we can make a difference!!
The Joy of Being a Catechist – Bazia Dcosta e Ferrao
Google defines a catechist as someone who allows the Word of God to echo through their life. But for me, a catechist is simply a person—just like anyone else—who, despite their own weaknesses and struggles, makes a conscious effort to come every Sunday to share their faith with children. The journey, however, isn’t limited to Sundays or to children alone. It extends every day, with everyone.
I would like to share a little about my personal experience as a catechist. In this role, I have not only grown in faith, but also emotionally and socially. When I first joined, I had no idea how I would teach catechism. I quickly realized that to give, one must have something to offer. You can’t share what you don’t possess.
Though I wasn’t a spiritual leader or particularly religious at the time, I have always had a deep belief in God. I began simply by sharing this faith, and through the Sundays spent teaching, I came to understand that I wasn’t just teaching—I was learning too. I learned from the students, my fellow catechists, the priests, the nuns, and even the parents. The main teaching aid has been the Bible and attending mass. This journey remains a continuous learning process for me. Over time, my relationship with God has deepened.
Being a catechist is not merely about formulas and prayers; it is about building an internal connection with God. While not every student may grasp everything you teach, even if just one child deepens their faith, it is a victory. After all, isn’t that what Jesus calls us to do—win souls?
As a catechist, I have been blessed beyond measure. People often say that you don’t get paid for this work, and that’s true, but there is no need for expectation. The blessings a catechist receives go beyond what one can anticipate. Often, you don’t even realize it’s happening, but you feel it deeply.
This has been my journey of faith. Yes, not everyone is called to become a priest or a nun, but anyone can choose to be a catechist. It’s simply a choice—a choice to serve, to teach, and to grow. Being a catechist is not just a role, but a calling—one that brings joy, fulfillment, and an ever-deepening connection with God and others. It is a journey that, though challenging at times, is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
The Joy of Being a Catechist – Andrea Savia Baptista
As a catechist, I have the privilege of sharing God’s love and wisdom with my students. Teaching them about our faith is a joy that fills my heart.
Seeing the curiosity in their eyes as they learn about God’s creation, His love, and His mercy is truly rewarding. As they grow in their faith, I witness their transformation from curious learners to confident believers.
But being a catechist is more than just teaching. I’ve also had the privilege of visiting my students and forming strong bonds with them. These personal connections allow me to see them grow not just in faith, but also as better individuals.
Conducting various catechetical activities with my fellow catechists and students has been a delight. These collaborative efforts foster teamwork, motivate students to showcase their God-given talents and encouragement to them to use their talents to praise God.
Being a catechist is a two-way journey. While I teach my students about our faith, I also have the opportunity to learn and grow spiritually through faith formation sessions organized specially for catechists. These sessions help me deepen my understanding of our faith and become an instrument of God’s love.
Being a catechist is a blessing that brings me joy, fulfillment and a deeper connection with God. I am grateful for this opportunity to serve, inspire and nurture young hearts and minds.