After a period of 40 days in Lent, we come to a day called Easter Sunday, a day when we all Christians celebrate it as a Joyous day of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, which is written in New Testament. According to the Gospel of John 20, 1-9; Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early in the morning where Jesus was buried and found the tomb empty. It occurred on the third day of his burial after the crucifixion by the Romans in 30 AD.After the Good Friday the Holy Saturday, is the day the Church accounts for, that Jesus was hurriedly buried in a cave tomb after His crucifixion with the intent to finish proper embalming and burial service ceremonies on Sunday after the Sabbath had ended. As the Sabbath day prohibits and prevents such duties as per the Jewish laws. In the catholic tradition this was to be followed soon and that’s the reason Mary Magdalene went early in the morning to watch over the tomb and thus found it empty.On Holy Saturday the Church waits at the Lord’s tomb in prayer and fasting, meditating on His passion and death and waiting for His resurrection.  The Church abstains from sacrifice of Mass with sacred table left bare until after the solemn vigil of the Resurrection. When time comes for Paschal Joys, we toil the bells at midnight declaring the Resurrection of the Lord. During the Paschal Tridum the tabernacle is left empty and open. The lamp next to the tabernacle is on, to denote Presence of Christ, and the Eucharistic Hosts consecrated on Maundy Thursday are kept elsewhere with a lamp burning so that in case of any eventuality it may be given as (VIATIUIM).During the service of Light we light a candle symbolizing Christ Jesus as Light of the World, and then we light the EASTER CANDLE. We have the liturgy of the Word wherein we have readings to declare the Paschal Mystery.For the first time after the Lenten Period the priest pronounces ‘Alleluia’After the conclusion of the liturgy of Word the water in the Baptismal fount is blessed. The congregation renews the Baptismal Vows and receives the sprinkling of Baptismal Water. After this the liturgy of the Eucharist is confirmed as usual. This is the first Mass of Easter Day. During EASTER TIME we have other things that are given more importance and more commercial than religious, namely EASTER BUNNY, EASTER EGSS. EASTER BUNNY is a folkloric figure and a symbol of Easter depicting a rabbit bringing Easter Eggs.EASTER EGGS also called Paschal Eggs, are decorated eggs usually used as gifts in this joyous occasion of EASTER, whose origin is probably to show the empty tomb of Jesus, from which Jesus resurrected. Sometimes it was painted red to symbolize the shedding of blood on Good Friday. Earlier it was real eggs. Now from real eggs it came to eggs of chocolate, and marzipan or almond eggs wrapped beautifully in paper and presented to your family and friends. Thus we celebrate Easter as an unique feast and a feast above all feasts. On this Easter day let us place our hope in the one “who is seated at the right hand of God.” He has risen, He is alive. He wants all of us to come to Him unconditionally and believe that He has risen. Recognize his presence and how He is working in our lives. May the Risen lord bless you all in this Easter time. Alleluia.

Rosarito Coelho