Editorial December 2018

As the month of November, dedicated to the holy souls fades away, the somber feelings too recede. This is the fag end of the Liturgical Calendar and the New Calendar begins on the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is the season observed as a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ at Christmas. For all of us, it is never too early to start preparing for this festive season, especially given how hectic things can get in December. Everyone wants Christmas to be a special occasion and it is always a special moment for the families in particular. The loved ones working or studying in faraway places would love to plan their vacations to coincide with the Christmas week. Undoubtedly when it comes to Christmas, we all want something new. New clothes, new shoes, new decorations, new food and sweets recipes, the list is endless. This is also a time for festive celebrations coinciding with exchange of gifts and family and other social gatherings. In the midst of all this, we tend to forget that Christmas is a season of praise and thanksgiving for the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ. Jesus was sent to redeem us and was born some thousands of years back. The joy of His birth needs to be experienced by one and all especially the needy and the down-trodden. The years go by but then conditions remain the same. The poor remain hungry and uncared for. For them the Christmas spirit neither begins nor ends. It’s the same old story day in and day out. Can we spare a thought for them not only at Christmas time but at all opportune moments? A lot of individuals and associations, do a lot of yeoman service to help the needy. We too can be a part of similar organisations. Unitedly let us ensure that the Christmas spirit never fades but radiates at every household. May the Peace and joy be yours this Christmas season. Wishing you and every member of your family an extra measure of comfort, joy and hope this Christmas.

Until we meet again.


Felix Dias