Editorial Oct 2020

For every beginning, there is always an end.In all possible cases,be it a meeting,a sporting event, cultural or political event, religious or social events, all have a definite ending.
For the past several months, we are being held captive,so to say,by this dreaded virus, the COVID-19. It’s initial strike was in China,at the fag end of last year and it is still continuing to hit at will,in every nook and corner of the world.At the end of the day, this pandemic too has to end and it will definitely end.We need to have total Faith in our heavenly Father who is our main healer of every possible sickness.The Bible contains a clear definition of Faith in Hebrews 11:1….”Now Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”…. Having this Faith in God,is trusting Him to listen to our prayers and in believing that God alone will bring this epidemic to a close. We know Jesus always rewarded the Trust, people reposed in Him.Jesus lovingly healed all those who had reposed total Faith in Him.Remember His words after the healing:”Your Faith has made you whole”.. Having Faith in God, also leads to faith in oneself and belief in our abilities. Generally,we tend to stress and worry about things we cannot control. In doing so,we show our lack of faith. We always pray for recovery from illnesses and if at all that does not happen,we give up Faith in God. The feeling is that the prayers that go unanswered,are a reason to lose this Faith in God,in oneself and in life in general. On the other hand, Faith demands a long term commitment to trust in God and ourselves, irrespective of the circumstances. In the present scenario,we know of so many people praying fervently more than one Rosary a day, attending more than one Holy Mass on Social media,taking part in Online Retreats and Holy Hours. These are positive things happening for our own benefit.Let us continue with this excellent trend and spend our time and energy, focusing on situations and events that we have control of. For a change, let’s stop worrying about uncontrollable events.Remember,in life, many things are simply out of our control. We need to act and build our inner strengths in order to be able to stretch ourselves and overcome the difficulties, believing all the time, that our Heavenly Father is firmly in control of the situation.Let’s do our bit and surely GOD WILL DO THE REST..!!!!!
Until we meet again.

Felix Dias