Feat of the Holy Family

The feast of the Holy Family is celebrated on the Sunday between Christmas and New Year. If both these are on Sundays, then the feast of the Holy Family is celebrated on 30th December. This year on Friday, 30th December, we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. On this day, we offer our families on the altar, to ask God’s blessings on them and obtain for them the guidance of the Holy Family.

A family is the first institution set aside by God, to foster mutual love, respect and understanding. St. John Paul II said, “As the family goes, so goes the nation, so goes the world we live in.” We all grow up in a family. The Holy family has much to teach us about family life. The Holy Family of Nazareth is put before us by the Church, as a model for our families. The church has purposely not used the term ‘Perfect Family’ or ‘Ideal Family’, for us to avoid seeing the Holy Family as an unreachable goal.

The Holy Family is the best example for all families. Every family is born of God. The Holy Family is the reflection on earth of the Eternal Family –the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit – which constitutes the Holy Trinity. All members of the Eternal Family are different – Father is not the Son; Father and Son are not the Holy Spirit – but they are One God. Jesus, Mary and Joseph are different but they are one. Members of every human family are different, but they are called to be united. A family is not a chance gathering of different persons. Love is the bond that unites a family.
What makes the Holy Family Holy? We call Jesus, Mary and Joseph the Holy Family. This doesn’t mean that they had no problems. What kept them together and stable through all their trials and crosses was their humility and love for God and for one another.

What holds our family together in times of difficulties is Love and Forgiveness. If ever our family fails in any way, it is because of a lack of discipline, love and forgiveness. When our family is blessed and successful, it is because it is a place of obedience, forgiveness and love.

What makes the Holy Family different from others? Firstly, it was the presence of Jesus. Secondly, it was obedience to the Will of God. Mother Mary’s very first ‘Yes’ at the Annunciation along with St. Joseph’s radical faith and silent obedience, enabled them to carry out God’s plan for our salvation. They always acted with promptness in obeying the Will of God.

This same obedience to the Will of God we see in Jesus unto death on the Cross. Perfect Forgiveness by Jesus and Mary throughout the Passion is what gained victory for Jesus over sin and Death and opened the gates of Heaven for us.

The Holy Family was a lowly, humble family but because they were totally obedient to God, they became the Greatest Family on earth. Our family may look ordinary and humble but what matters is not what others think of us, but that we are living with and for God; that we are with Mary & Joseph tuned to Jesus in prayer.

One of the greatest threats facing families today is that we do not spend enough time together. We must realize that by not spending time together, we are depriving and hurting the family and the youth in particular.

How can we spend time together? The Rosary is a beautiful way to pray as a family. Reading the Bible – the Word of God – when we are together is very helpful, combined with spontaneous sharing on the day’s reading of God’s Word. Attending Mass at least on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation, as a family, will bring abundant blessings. Having meals together regularly at the dining table (and not while watching TV) creates strong bonds.

Finally, as we prepare for Christmas, setting up the crib, note that Mary and Joseph are turned towards Jesus. Their focus is on Jesus. The only way for Peace, Love and Happiness is, like Mary and Joseph, to keep our focus on Jesus.

May the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus and the feast of the Holy Family, yield abundant fruits of Holiness, Humility and Love in your Home and your family members.

J. Rodrigues