Hidden Catechism in the playing cards


The “9” The number “9” on the playing card symbolizes or speaks about the nine lepers who didn’t come back to thank Jesus after they received the healing (Lk 17, 11-19). Only one came back praising God with a loud voice. He prostrated himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him. (v.v 15 and 16). Gratitude should be part of our life, specially our gratitude towards God for the wonders He does in our life. Every day is a miracle, it’s all because of God. So we need to be grateful to God everyday like the leper, who especially returned to Jesus to thank Him. We need to show our gratitude towards our parents, family members, whose support and help we receive, etc.

The “10”

Number “10” reminds us of the ‘Ten Commandments’, given to the people of Israel through Moses on mount Sinai carved on stone by the hand of God (Exodus 20, 1-21). God gave these Ten Commandments to the people of Israel as a new code of living. God wanted them to be holy like Him by keeping His word and by maintaining a goo

d and healthy relationship with one another. Today we are the new people of Israel and God expects the same from all of us. These ten commandments is a help for us to prepare ourselves for confession. Each and every comma

ndment helps us to reflect on our spiritual journey towards God (first three commandments) and towards our neighbor (remaining seven commandments).

-Fr. Leslie Gomes