Immaculate Conception

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on December 8th, nine months before the feast of Nativity of Mary which is celebrated on 8th September.
Even though this feast day occurs in the Liturgical season of Advent, which prepares for the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Immaculate Conception is one of the Marian feasts in the Liturgical Calendar of the Roman Catholic Church celebrated worldwide.
Its significance is that it is more pure and sinless conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary without the original sin, in preparation for becoming the Mother of God, the Son Jesus Christ.
Although like all human creatures Blessed Mary was conceived by her parents St. Anne & Joaquim.
The dogma of the Immaculate Conception was proclaimed in 1854 by Pope Pius IX.
The iconography or religious scriptures of Our Lady of Immaculate Conception shows Mary standing with arms outstretched or hands clasped in prayers.
This feast is so essential that the church has raised it to the rank of a Holy day of obligation.
The doctrine / teachings of the Immaculate conception encourages us to do our best to remain free from sin, although human beings are born with original sin and through the grace of baptism we are freed from sin.
Blessed Mary perfectly co-operated and surrendered herself to the great gift of grace that God had given her and lived the most extraordinary Christian life. This is why Mary is the model of faith and the model of the church. We are all called to cooperate with whatever graces God chooses to give us so that we humbly and lovingly walk, whatever path ‘He Wills for us’. Let us all pray:
O Most Holy Mother, receive my prayers as I present them to God.
O Mary, Mother of Jesus and my mother you intercede for me (us) with your Son.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for me (us) who have recourse to thee.
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception pray for me (us).

-Jeanivie Da Costa