Pray to St. Anthony – Expect a Miracle

St. Anthony of Padua performed numerous miracles when He lived and even more after His death. He is called the saint of miracles because His miracles are countless and He still continues to intercede for us. Each one of us at some point in our life might have surely interceded to this great saint. This great Saint when on earth showed immense power in his words and deeds through the power of the Holy Spirit. It has been testified that Jesus would often appear to Him as a child. Ah what more do we require? That’s all and hence we entrust Him as our ambassador to deliver our prayers to the most Holy Lord Jesus Christ. There is no doubt about our faith in St. Anthony but however let me share a Miracle of St. Anthony taken from the book “MIRACLES OF SAINT ANTHONY OF PADUA” – BY JOSEPH A. KELLER published in 1899

A Spanish princess had died, and her funeral was already ordered, but the queen mother, who had a great devotion to St. Anthony, knowing that all human assistance was of no avail had recourse to his intercession. In her grief she never left the corpse of her beloved daughter, and, with streaming eyes, said to our divine Lord: “It will not cost you more to raise my daughter from the dead than it did when You raised Lazarus from the grave, after being buried for four days.” St. Anthony in heaven joined in her supplications, and to the joy and astonishment of all present, the young girl arose, and said to her mother: “Dearest mother, while you were praying to St. Anthony, I was in heaven, amid the choir of virgins, and I understood all the vanities of this world so clearly, that I entreated God not to hear your prayers. God replied that He could not refuse any favour to His servant, St. Anthony, and that also, on account of your earnest prayers, I must return to this world, to change your grief into joy, promising me, at the same time, I should return to my place among the blessed in a fortnight.” Everything happened as she predicted. A fortnight afterwards she expired, and went back to enjoy forever the presence of God.

St. Anthony has helped many by making impossible things possible, just by the power of prayers. This June as we venerate this Saint of Miracles, Let us fervently pray to him to intercede to our Lord Jesus to obtain for us our needs, specially our spiritual needs.

– Neville Fernandes