(18th May, 2024)
“Confirmation is the Sacrament by which Catholics receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Through Confirmation, the Holy Spirit gives them the increased ability to practice their Catholic faith in every aspect of their lives and to witness Christ in every situation”. After much preparation and a long await, 18th May 2024, was indeed a ‘Red Letter Day’ for us Aquem parishioners. The beautifully decorated church with the warm welcome entrance decor, the altar bearing the tongues of fire and an array of colorful flowers, creative side panel decor with doves and the pews for the confirmands, marked with the symbol of the dove created a spiritual ambiance, for the solemn ceremony to be held. 70 young, enthusiastic boys and girls, immaculately attired beautifully added color to the solemnity of the day’s ritual.
The solemn mass began at 8:30am. The theme for the solemn celebration of the sacrament was, “Povitr Atmeache bhorten, Jezun kelem toxem tunvu-I kor”. This sacrament was administered by His Excellency Most Rev. Filipe Neri Cardinal Ferrao. The Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrao, spoke to the confirmands, imparting his valuable Biblical knowledge and wisdom. His encouraging and convincing words of wisdom, were a befitting take back, for the confirmands and the congregation. Then His Excellency anointed all the candidates with the Chrism oil and sealed them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The solemn ceremony ended with the final blessings to the congregation, by the Cardinal. Our Parish Priest, Fr. Andrew, thanked the Cardinal for his gracious presence and support to the church, always. Fr. Andrew, also expressed his sentiments of gratitude to the catechists, all the Confirmation students and their parents. Then His Excellency in few words congratulated all the students and their parents. He then thanked our Parish Priest and Asst. to the Parish Priest for their valuable service to the Aquem Church and the parishioners, and wished good and fulfilling ministry in their new Parish.
After the solemn liturgical celebration, all the students were taken to the old chapel for a small celebration. The sweet cake was cut as a sign of external joy. Every student was given a beautiful memento to mark the day of their confirmation and a certificate, by our Parish Priest Fr. Andrew Pereira and Asst. Parish Priest Fr. Leslie Gomes. The students left the church hall with a snack pack, on their way out.
The entire day’s program was very beautifully organized by all the catechists and much appreciated by all.
-Catechist Sherida D’Souza