St. Joseph Convent, Aquem

S- St Joseph Convent was inaugurated on 22nd Dec 2021, with Sr Faria as the Superior General and we Eight Sisters in the Community…

T- The Psalmist says, the Lord will build a house for us and He will watch over our city,

J- Jesus the Lord, has indeed built a house to live in Love and Harmony…

O- Open to the Spirit, may problems be negligible, Blessings be more is our Magnificat,

S- Service in School, to our needy students, knowledge and tolerance has been our Hallmark… for the past 75 years

E- Enthusiasm is the yeast, that made our hopes create a Mansion,

P- Providentially with walls joined by trust, love and commitment is the only explanation…

H- His Excellency, Rt. Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao, with Priests, BLESSED the new Convent with Eucharistic Celebration,

C- Congratulations! Here’s to the beginning of a Beautiful Creation…

O- Obedience to lawful authority is our foundation of Character,

N- Nobility, the key to a new Home and a new Chapter…

V- Virtuous person, will bloom like the Lily, is St Joseph’s maxim,

E- Endured hardship, by nobler souls, our Pioneering Sisters in Celestial bliss…

N- Neat work, well done, by the Architect and Engineer, we appreciate,

T- Thankful to God, we at St Joseph, bless each Well-wisher and Benefactor we dedicate…

by Sr.Apollonia HC