Why did God give us commandments?

All of us know that every instrument/ machine that we purchase comes with an instruction Manual/Catalogue which is provided by the person/ company that made it. While operating that instrument/ machine (e.g. a washing machine or a vehicle), we strictly follow the instructions given in the manual without any omission, deviation or dilution.
We also know that our human body with its mind and spirit is the most precious and most intricate machine on earth- much more complex than a machine and an incomparable masterpiece of God’s creation. Should not this machine be provided with a Catalogue? Who can provide it other than the Maker? So, all the commandments written in the Scripture under Gods inspiration including Jesus command, “eat my flesh and drink my blood” (Jn 6: 25-69 and the Lords Supper) are the instructions contained in the Catalogue provided for the smooth & efficient functioning of our body, mind and spirit, to fulfil the purpose for which we are created.
We are aware that all the commandments of God depend on two great commandments. The first and the most important being, “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength,” and the second most important being, “love your neighbor as you love yourself.” From the first command it follows that a person’s love for God and for the virtues/values God stands for i.e. truth, justice, righteousness, holiness and mercy ought to be much more than his love for wealth, for power, for fame, and for sensual pleasures, etc.
The real danger is when man plays God. When he becomes his own moral master and his own law giver.
To the Parents:-
Some parents complain, “My son/daughter does not obey me”. Well dear parents kindly ask the following question to yourself. “Do I obey all the commandments and precepts of my God? If I do not, and if I am selective, do I have the right to expect my children to be obedient to me?” You may say that “my instructions are meant for their good.” Well, God’s commandments are also meant for our good. Sometimes some of us make some deviations or dilution or even omission and believe that it is okay. We are mistaken!
To the Youth:-
You are familiar with commandment “honour your father and your mother”. These are times when their instructions – “dos” and “don’ts” are often unwelcome. If your immediate feeling is to rebel, please pause for few seconds and imagine that you are in their place and in the same situation. You are the father or mother. Will you not give the same instruction to your sons/daughters? I think the expected answer deep in your heart is ‘yes’. If the answer is ‘no’ please inquire with your parents (or teachers as the case maybe) for their reasons and a dialogue could follow.
Sometimes you may find that your parents (or one of them) lack moral authority to give you a particular instruction. Still, please respect them and obey them. Because, you are the beneficiary. No doubt practice must go with precept. In a different context Jesus said to the crowd and to his disciples (Mt. 23: 2-3) “…therefore do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach.”
Family is the nucleus of any society. Morally upright family provides its nation honest and patriotic citizens to make that nation prosperous and great. May all of us have the awareness to be meek and gentle and accept joyfully all the commandments of God and precepts of the church and observe them diligently for our own profit.
Marcelino Rebello