We are all conscious of the fact that we cannot achieve anything without hope and confidence in oneself. Hope structures our future lives, with a positive frame of mind and also influences our present lives. This is a feeling that things will fall in place as per our expectations, constantly looking forward to the best positive results. Take for example the recent academic results of our very own students in schools and colleges. They attended their classes regularly and put in their efforts to study as per their individual capacities. With trust in God and in themselves, they answered their final exams. They never lost track of that feeling to achieve the expected results. Finally when the results were out their joy had no bounds. Their efforts get rewarded.

Hope has a direct impact on our lives. Our personal lives, our health, our finances, our well-being. We always act as per our present situations and hope for the best. Just like the other side of a coin, we do have some cases of loss of hope and despair, leading to disappointment and discouragement. Many a times we suffer a series of reverses like loss of money, job, someone close to you or failure in Exam and the loss seems to be irretrievable. It is in such circumstances that hope into its own, opening us to new possibilities. We need to overcome the feelings of hopelessness and depression. Even whilst battling serious illnesses, we have to maintain hope to enhance the chances of recovery. It has been established that hope has the ability to help people heal faster and easier. Hope always helps us in overcoming despair as it is a question of action and making it happen. Learn to take the burdens of loss or failure in your stride. We also need to program our children and students not only to be successful but also teach them how to handle failures. Teach them proper lessons about life. High level science & math will help them clear competitive exams but a knowledge about life will help them to face every problem. Or else, like many unfortunate cases, they will embrace suicide, as an answer to their failure. In this unpredictable world we live in, we are likely to fail and fall, but we need to get up and never lose our dreams and infinite hope.

Hope for the best always and leave the rest in the hands of our Creator.

Until we meet again.

Felix Dias