Aspirants for Righteous Living

Does God expect us to unite as per the title given above, to be motivated and to live righteously, so that:
1) Our prayers are powerful and effective
2) Experience personally the kingdom of heaven (i.e., peace, joy —) here and now and Eternal Blissful life hereafter.
3) Members of the family, Society, our state of Goa, our country India and
finally the whole world stand to gain. Few quotes from the Bible are:
a) The prayer of the Righteous is powerful and effective. James 5:16.
b) Prayers of a Righteous person God listens. 1 Peter 3: 12.
c) The way of the Righteous is level; Just One, You make smooth, the path of the righteous. Isaiah 26: 7.Also, please refer, Amos 5: 24.
Let us examine the Instruction given by St. James (5: 16)
“Therefore confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so
that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective”.
“Confess your sins to one another.”
‘Sin and its various dimensions. Direct and Indirect.’ When an Offence/Sin is committed, there is an Offender and a Victim. The victim who is directly affected, suffers various types of injuries, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Loss of wealth/ reputation, and any other. All of us agree that besides the victim, his/her family members are also adversely affected, but indirectly. So, St. James asks the wrong doer, to seek forgiveness from the victim, by acknowledging/ confessing the offence committed. i.e., for the sin dimension against the victim, who is directly affected. Own up the responsibility and pay compensation if damage has occurred. Do not try to justify the wrong done, as Adam and Eve did while in the Garden.
Other dimensions of the same offence are, against the Society, against Environment, etc. For the same offence, there is a sin dimension against God, because the victim is also a child of God. The Sacrament of confession instituted by Lord Jesus Christ (John 20:23), is for forgiveness from God, for the sin dimension against God. Another reason for St. James to use the word ‘confession’ could be, because, the nature and circumstances of some offences are such, the victim doesn’t know who caused his suffering/loss. In such cases, the offender is asked to reveal to the victim that he/she is the wrong doer. Does not this disclosure amount to ‘confession’? The above given teaching by St. James, ‘confess your sins to one another’ may be based on Jesus’s Teaching, (revealed through inspiration or otherwise) given in Matthew 5: 23, 24 “- – – If you (the offender) remember your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go, first be reconciled to your brother or sister and then come and offer your gift”.

25.”Come to terms with your accuser quickly- – -“. A valid inference. Don’t you think, even if the victim doesn’t go to a court or to an appropriate Authority, the Offender is asked to be reconciled with the victim?
Is the Offender also a victim? Yes, the Offender is also a victim. Because his sin dimension against God blocks God’s grace and blessings offered to him (to everyone). He also moves away from God’s protection and care. By true
repentance, he removes the block he himself placed.
Inspiration to write this article received because of the 1st Reading (Genesis 18: 16-33) during the Holy Mass on the 1st July. There is a dialogue between God and Abraham. At the end of the dialogue God says “For the sake of ten Righteous people. I will not destroy it. (Sodom)
Encouraged to write this article:
1. While listening to the homily (St. Sebastian Church, Aquem) on Sunday the 21st July, we were asked to pray, (and we ought to pray continuously) so that:
a) All the People in our country may be governed righteously and justly in all matters. (St. Paul also urges us to pray for our Civil Authorities and Religious Authorities)
b) Rights and Privileges given to the Minorities through our Constitution and otherwise, are not curtailed. An example is, certain provisions in the New Education Policy introduced by the Central Government. For God to grant us the above petition also, should not our living be righteous?
2. In the editorial column of Pormoll for the July 2019 edition, the Editor published the last sentence he received from a message. It says “…. Heaven could end up a ghost town”.
Two teachings from Jesus, a) one given in Mathew 7: 13, 14 “For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life and there are few who find it. And the other, b) in Luke 18: 1- 8 “And yet when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?”, validates that message.
Among other things, the Editor also urged us for more intercessory prayers to prevent calamities – Natural and man-made.
Dear co-parishioners,
All of us are aware that to live righteously is difficult. But it becomes possible if there is a strong desire. So, if a person does not have a strong desire that person’s responsibility is to pray for a strong desire till he/she receives it. Are we not rightly taught that God looks into our intention, commitment and our efforts? The result is in God’s hands.

N.B. When and how, our living is righteous – shall be dealt with in the next issue.
Marceline Rebello