Our Lady of DOLOURSOur Lady of DOLOURS

The Feast of Our Lady of Dolours is commemorated on 15th September. You may wonder as to why this day is earmarked. It should have found its place in Lenten season as Mother Mary suffered most during this period. But the Church has set aside 15th September, as this day, and we recollect the pain and suffering that Mother Mary went through in her life, after her conception of baby Jesus or rather said “yes” to the will of God. 
The title of ‘Our Lady of Dolours’ or ‘Our Lady of Sorrows’ given to Mother Mary focusses on her intense suffering and grief during the passion and death of our Lord. It comprised the seven sorrows which were foretold by the PRIEST SIMEON, who proclaimed to Mary that this child “JESUS” is destined to be the downfall and rise of many in Israel, a sign that will be opposed, and you, yourself shall be pierced with a sword. Similarly other incidents too pierced her heart. There are in all seven sorrows:  1. The Prophecy of Simeon already written above2. The flight to Egypt 3. The loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple in Jerusalem and finding Him too. 4. Mary meeting Jesus on His way to Mount Calvary (Via Dolorosa)5. The Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary as she stands at the foot of the Cross. 6. The piercing of the side of Jesus with a spear and 7. The Descent from the cross as she holds Him in her arms (Our Lady of Piety) as He was taken down for burial.
All these pains and sufferings have pierced her heart as swords. All these sorrows are well narrated in the scriptures and well defined by the Gospel writers.
The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Dolours soon after the feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross which is celebrated on 14th September. These two days are correlated with Mother Mary’s relationship with Jesus as she partakes in His pain and suffering.
The close connections between Jesus passion and Mary’s sorrow is a devotion in our churches and with people who contemplate and meditate on the seven sorrows. This devotion is a necessity in our times as it fills it with filial love to Mother Mary. We will all follow the way that Mother Mary followed and we will be one with Jesus.  Rosarito Coelho