Editorial -December 2022

We are in the month of December, a month of joy celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ on that blessed Christmas Day. Years ago, this good news of immense joy and happiness changed the course of every silent night to come because this story of Christmas is the story of God’s relentless love for us – Father sending His only beloved Son on Earth to redeem mankind. Jesus said, “Come, follow Me”. Where do we find Him? Do we look out for Him in the manger? Definitely not. Jesus has shown His people His path of forgiveness and assured that whoever seeks Him shall find Him. Jesus, by living an exemplary life, taught everyone to follow the path of goodness and to perform good deeds, follow the path shown to us and we will find JESUS. Let us remember that we are all put on the Earth to make a difference. We were not created just to consume resources, to eat, breathe and take up space. God has designed each one of us, to make a difference with our lives.

“We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus, for the good works which God has already designated to make up our way of LIFE (Ephesians 2:10). So necessarily, always be good and do good. The life, full of goodness, led by Jesus is an example for us to follow and attain salvation and also for living in harmony on this Earth.

As we prepare ourselves for a blessed Christmas, let us pray that there is hope for a ruined humanity – a hope of pardon, a hope of peace with God, the hope of Glory – because at the Father’s will, Jesus became poor and was born in a stable so that thirty years later He might hang on a Cross and set us free!

May the Spirit of Christmas, infuse your life and that of your family members with hope, positivity and joy.


– Felix Dias (Editor)