The New Year 2024 was ushered in with all new hopes and aspirations and not forgetting new resolutions from the young and old. Our expectations for a happy and peaceful life were dented from the very first day itself with a series of tragic and mysterious happenings all around us, making us wonder, if it is like back to square one. The men in uniform, arresting a Christian Pastor, on frivolous charges of indulging in convertions, unbelievable news of a dead and buried man walking home after a couple of months, the chilling news of a mother killing her four year old son in an apartment and packing the body in a suitcase, a husband drowning his wife at a beach, several fatal road accidents with young lives being snuffed out, well the list goes on and on and we are only in the first month of the year. We all long for peace and happiness but the events as above keep unfolding with no respite. We also know that we can’t change the ocean or the weather, no matter how hard you try, so it is best to learn how to sail in all conditions, having trust in God for an answer to all our worries and cares. With all the uncertainties, when you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive, to breathe, to think, to enjoy and to love. Remember, our life is God’s gift to us and what we do with it is our gift to God.
Let us learn to deliver the goodness within us to the world at large. I was thrilled to read a most beautiful book, “Die Empty” by Todd Henry, wherein he advises us not to go to our grave and carry inside us the best that we have, but to always choose to pass it on and die empty. Millions of people have departed or died and they carried away with them, many valuable ideas that did not come to light nor benefit others but were buried and lost forever. Before it is time to leave for our heavenly abode, if you have an idea, perform it, if you have the knowledge, give it out, if you have a goal, achieve it, all in all, Love, Share and Distribute, do not keep it inside. Let’s Remove and spread the goodness in us and feel the difference.
This is our Special edition of our Parish Bulletin, PORMOLL, on the occasion of the Feast of Our Patron, St. Sebastian. I take this opportunity to thank all our loving parishioners, Sponsors and Advertisers for their continuous generosity and the contributory approach. I thank all the writers, specially the regular ones, in these past 25 years, for your time and contribution of your articles and write-ups. Special thanks to all the doctors for providing us with a lot of information, advice and guidance on issues concerning our health. I’m sure many of our readers / parishioners have benefited from them. A big THANK YOU to you all and may our heavenly Father shower His heavenly blessings on you always. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Feast of Our Patron, St. Sebastian. May he continue to inspire us and pray for us always!
As always, this year too, the liturgical season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, 14th February 2024, in preparation for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday. We will observe forty days of Lent, forty being typically indicative of a time of testing, trial, penance, purification and renewal. Also, in the New Testament, forty days is the length of Jesus time of trial in the desert in preparation for His public ministry proclaiming the Gospel. Let us be reminded of the true meaning of the Lenten Season and seek God’s blessings of Faith and trust in Jesus Christ’s promises made to us.
Wishing you a blessed Lenten Season!!
Until We meet again, take care and stay safe!
-Felix Dias