The month of May is generally very hot and humid but the parishioners of St. Sebastian Church, Aquem had an added dose of unhappiness when they got the confirmed news about the transfer of their both Parish Priests.
Before we could even realize the seven year term of Fr. Andrew Pereira as Parish Priest is over and its’ time for him to hand over the reigns to the incoming Parish Priest. His care and attention to all the members of the Parish family, his visitation of the sick and elderly with Holy Communion, his energy, skill and organizational ability, his provision of Mass and Sacraments all add up for being much appreciated by the parishioners. He has always been generous with his time for his flock. In the fight against Covid, which forced the closure of our Church for months on end, he continued to engage directly with the people through electronic media and found ways to keep them connected and growing in spirituality. We can’t thank you enough Father Andrew. Together we have achieved a lot under your strong and energetic leadership. We wish you Fr. Andrew every success at Holy Cross Church, Quepem.
It’s been only four years since Fr. Leslie Gomes was appointed as the Asst. Parish Priest of Aquem. In this short time Fr. Leslie has succeeded to showcase his talents in music, art and creativity besides his wisdom, knowledge and compassion. Under his leadership the Church choir has seen new heights of perfection. His artistic and creative altar decorations have left a lasting impression in the hearts of all. His knowledgeable homilies will be missed by the young and the old alike. He was also associated with our monthly magazine PORMOLL where he showed a lot of leadership qualities. Having completed his term at Aquem, Fr. Leslie will now serve at the Parish of our Lady of Piety, Piedade – Divar. We wish you well, Fr. Leslie.
Fr. Andrew and Fr. Leslie, you two leave us knowing that your job is done. You can definitely be proud of what you have achieved as our Parish Priests. You take along with you our heartfelt thanks, love and prayers. From me, personally, all the parishioners and from all of us here at PORMOLL, so long, farewell, adieu Fr. Andrew & Fr. Leslie
At the same time, the parishioners of Aquem are extremely fortunate to have Fr. Agnelo Cipriano Rodrigues, appointed as the Parish Priest for the coming term to be assisted by Fr. Josely Rocha as the new Asst. Parish Priest. This will somewhat smoother the transition between the outgoing and the incoming Parish Priests. A Very warm welcome to you Fr. Agnelo and Fr. Josely. We commit our support to you at all times. Together we can achieve more!!
Until we meet again,
Take care and be safe.
Felix Dias (Editor)