September is an unique month of the year. Out of all twelve months, September is spelt with the most number of letters. Yes this month contains nine letters and it also happens to be the ninth month of the year. Several days are observed in September, including Teacher’s Day, International Literacy Day, World First Aid Day, Mother’s Day, Day of the Girl Child and many more. We celebrate the Birthday of our heavenly mother, Mother Mary, on 8th September, with a lot of joy and enthusiasm. She is our Mother always ready and ever willing to intercede for us. Befittingly, we decided to dedicate the September issue of Pormoll to a MOTHER and chose the theme, “Mother’s Love is forever”.
Accordingly majority of the articles appearing in this issue revolve around this theme. We all agree that a mother’s love is the ultimate sacrifice, for she gives everything she has for her children. This sacrifice is never-ending and her love is never-fading. Her love is full, unconditional, forgiving and self-sacrificing. Nothing under the sun is too big for a mum to give up or do. No matter what wrong you may commit or what hurts you may cause to a mum, she will surely write it on sand, where the tide can, come and go, to wash it away and be forgotten. She is the one who works hard to ensure that we get all that we need. The moral values and good manners come straight from our Mother. At times when we are wrong, she scolds and corrects us, so that we get disciplined and learn honesty and self-respect. The love of a mother is truly a gift that lasts a lifetime. For me, personally, I miss my mum dearly, taking comfort in the fact that her Love lives on, through me. As we honour the Mothers in our lives, let us remember the profound impact their love has on our well-being and the world around us. All that I am, or hope to be, I owe it to my angel mother, who carried me in her womb for nine long months. I firmly believe, a mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. Unfortunately a lot of mothers go through difficult times, maybe due to economic reasons, unable to make both ends meet, harassment and ill treatment from other family members, social constraints and many more. The powers that be need to step in more and alleviate their sufferings. Our best wishes go out to the Mothers on Earth and may the souls of those who have gone before us, REST IN PEACE!!! Wishing you all, a Happy and Blessed Feast of Our Lady on 8th September! Until we meet again, take care and be safe.
Felix Dias (Editor)