Importance of having a girl child

It is very clear that a girl child is always a blessing. Not just for her parents but also for the society. Girl child is a reason for Continuation of Life in this world. A small girl child starts her life as a daughter, a sister later on in life a wife, a mother and finally a grandmother. Even though boys and girls are equally important, there is always a stigma attached to girl child with relation to educating a girl child.
Education is very important for girl child. There is old proverb which says, “If we educate a boy we educate a person, but if we educate a girl we educate a family and an entire nation.”
Sending a girl to school, she is far more likely to ensure that her children also receive an education. Children of educated women are less likely to die before their first birthday. Girls who receive education are less likely to contract HIV & Aids and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
Increased education of girls also leads to more family health care providers. “Girls of Today, Women of Tomorrow!”

By Gausia Sultana DaCosta