Mission Sunday

World Mission Sunday is a day set aside for the entire Catholic Church throughout the world to renew its commitment to the Missionary Movement. It is a day earmarked in the Catholic Church on the Penultimate Sunday of October every year since 1926.

Pope Pius XI declared it as a day to renew, commit, support and pray for the Missions and the Missionaries who work in the remotest villages around the World. In the Hot Sun or in the wildest winter, where there is deficiency of food for the people. The Missionary leaves the comfort zone and works for the poor and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the people.

We have hundreds of missionaries who work even today in the remotest places where some of us would dare to step. There are dangers to their life as well as to the people. However these missionaries still continue the good work without a complaint. There are many places even in India which are looked after by the Missionaries. Many of the Saints of yester years were missionaries as they went out without looking back, by just trusting the goodness of our God.

St. Francis Xavier, Saint Joseph Vaz and many more could be added. They did Missionary work.

In our Catholic Church we have Saint Francis Xavier and Saint Tereza of child Jesus who are declared as Patrons of Mission. They are praying for all the Missionaries in the World that the Word of God may reach to each and every person.

Now, every Catholic community in every country sends a message of hope and love on this special day. This is a special day of prayers, to show our love and solidarity to our Global family through prayers and support the missionaries everywhere by contributing our might.

We respond to Christ call to feed the hungry and clothe the naked.

This year we are celebrating Mission Sunday on 18th October.

The message of this day by His Holiness Pope Francis on WORLD MISSION SUNDAY is “HERE AM I, Send ME”, Isaiah 6:8.

This year due to the suffering and challenges created by COVID -19 pandemic the missionary journey of the whole Church continues in the light of the Words “HERE AM I, send Me”. Like the disciples in the Gospel who were caught off guard by an unexpected turbulent storm. We have realized that we are all in the same boat, all fragile, and disoriented but at the same time it is important to row together, and each of us needs to comfort one another. In these circumstances the Holy Father reminds us that all of us should strive hard to preach the word in actions. Our deeds are to reflect GOD’S message of Love.

World Mission Sunday, we need to contribute our mite to the Holy Church in order to support and sustain the missionary work throughout the world.

Every Church used to collect the contribution through envelopes sent earlier to every house. Mission Sunday calendars were also a part of this contribution, the sale proceeds of which were used for missionary work. Every coin collected on this Sunday was added to the entire collection and it was sent to the World Pontifical Mission Work. The distribution of the amount is entirely at the discretion of this Institution.

So let us contribute, pray and support all these missionaries who are selflessly working in the vineyard of our Lord.

Rosarito Coelho