By now, we all would have noticed that our every encounter, be it with a friend or a stranger; every conversation on the phone or otherwise; every thought, word or deed in the privacy of our own company, begins or ends with the subject of the virus. It may be as a joke, a fear, an advice or a prediction of the future. There is a definite merger of the way we are handling our health and dealing with the virus and even politics.

As another month goes brushing past us, we now understand and accept that there is no 1st of any month, for the end of the virus. Our life has undergone a change – spiritually, psychologically, physically, socially, financially, and globally. Let us look at the future as a “Journey” that we all have to travel together. Everything is undergoing a transformation.

The pandemic has hit us hard, bringing world economics to a standstill. As individuals it has brought us to our knees, causing us to look upwards with questions of Why? When? How? Not one of us has the answers! In the last few shutdowns, we have come to realize that PRAYER IS THE ONLY ANSWER!

Our best prayer experience has been the Holy Mass, daily in our very homes. It is the most perfect antidote to all the worries, fears, anxieties and insecurities we are facing in the present and also about the future. Each day, God’s Word – His promises and assurances are sustaining and strengthening us. In Isaiah 41:10 He says,

“Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed

For I am your GOD. I will give you strength,

I will bring you help, I will uphold you with

the right hand of My Justice”.

These are not idle words. Believe in them; you will see them become a reality.

Life has not been easy for anyone but yet so far we have pulled through and come out stronger.

Just as the virus has affected the lives of people around the world, the power and efficacy of prayer has transformed the lives of millions. This can be seen from the number of viewers and their comments of each  service live – streamed to us. Having to stay indoors, either alone or with the entire family which seemed strange at first, has now brought transformation in homes. The live-streamed services have created an aura of prayer in our homes and aroused a desire to pray and increase our faith, filling a “God void” we did not know was there.

Many are attending more than one Mass a day for its enriching experience. Some recite more than one Rosary, with a special one for the end of the virus. None of us is moving through these times without something changing within us.

PRAYER is the only power that can change one’s character. You become a different person. It may be only slightly each time you pray, BUT you cannot remain unchanged. For the rest of your life you will act in a different way from the way you acted earlier. This change is radical; Jesus calls it “being born again”.

ALWAYS LEAN ON PRAYER – don’t wait for a crisis. Peace & Power of Jesus be with you & your family.

Josephine Rodrigues