Procreation a Catholic Perspective

Procreation is co-operation in God’s work of CREATION. It takes place when a man & woman engage in a sexual act. As a result of this act, most married couples look forward to the gift of a new life in their lives. This new life is a GIFT from God, and not a RIGHT of the Couples.
A couple can decide and plan the number of children they would like to have. This is called Family Planning. This would depend on factors like economic constraints and medical conditions. The Church is very much concerned with the methods employed in planning the number of children. Needless to elaborate here, the Church advocates only the natural Family Planning (NFP) method.
Infertility is a major problem in about 10% of married couples. It is the inability to procreate. There are medical procedures to rectify infertility. Pope John Paul II said that infertile couples have a right to legitimate therapies available to remedy their infertility. Fertility technologies that assist but not substitute the natural marital act are morally acceptable to procreate a new human life. legitimate therapies available to remedy their infertility. Fertility technologies that assist but not substitute the natural marital act are morally acceptable to procreate a new human life. Newer reproductive technologies available today are: 1) Artificial fertilization 2) CloningCloning is banned by almost all countries of the world and the Church too is categorically opposed to it. Artificial fertilization includes artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization with embryo transfer (IVFcET), tubal ovum transfer TOT, or sperm intra fallopian tube transfer (SIFT).The IVF technology is booming in India today. Even Catholic infertile couples have been known to have had recourse to this modern technology. The Catholic Church considers IVF a highly immoral procedure that should be avoided. IVF makes the offspring a product of technology and raises up serious ethical problems. IVF clinics normally create more embryos than required, for good reason. The extra embryos are then left over a long period of time in limbo status, frozen in laboratories to be used in embryo experimentation, embryo donation, stem cell research or subjected to a fate of death. Ultimately, the most important thing to understand here is that embryos (lives) are destroyed in the IVF business.
In the scriptures we see that God answers prayers for a child. He never fails to hear the cry of His people. He intervenes and answers our prayers even today. He may answer through various advances in medical science that is acceptable in the Church. Or there will be times when God says “NO” to his children. He who made humans in His own image and likeness, has also endowed them with intelligence and compassionate hearts. He may have alternate plans for these special couples. There are so many orphans crying out for love, affection and a home. Could an act not be an answer to infertility? Adoption is an expression of ‘love of neighbour’ put into action. Not all couple can be open to this act of adoption. It needs guidance and grace from the Holy Spirit. The Church cannot decide for them, but can only guide and counsel them, and wish them well.
Prisca Dias