St. Joseph, Model for Fathers:

St. Joseph is a man for our times. If ever there was a need for a good role model for our sons, St. Joseph fills this spot. His example of courage, obedience and wisdom shows his most admirable attributes. Joseph models a strong manhood to the men of our day. A man agrees to cling to his wife, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness or health. Go to Joseph, praying for every Christian man to follow the example of Saint Joseph.

St. Joseph, Pillar of Families: To fulfill our family responsibilities, we must turn to God for guidance and for all the graces we need. A “pillar” is reliable, strong and capable of providing essential support. St. Joseph teaches us that even though we may not be perfect, God gives us the graces to fulfill our vocations. Go to Joseph, praying for ourselves and our families.

St. Joseph, Protector of the Church: The Church is holy because of Jesus. St. Joseph is model for us to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. If we are in danger of slipping, we need to turn to Joseph and ask his intercession to keep us on the right path.. Go to Joseph, asking him to continue to help all to reflect the beauty and dignity of Jesus Christ.

St. Joseph, Patron of the Dying: St. Joseph died a happy and holy death. He wants us to die in the same way. We too will face death. We will face the death of people we love. We need to place our hope and trust in Jesus. Go to Joseph, asking him to help you to be prepared for death. Pray for all those who are dying and those who face terminal illness.

St. Joseph, Hope of the Sick: No matter what we experience as part of our weak human condition, St.Joseph is there to help. We may experience miraculous cures or we may not. Still our God is with us. Go to Joseph, asking him to help you bear the pains of sickness with humility and faith, and pray for all of those who are currently sick or suffering due to this pandamic.

St. Joseph, Model of Workers: St. Joseph taught Jesus to work as a carpenter this shows us the value of work. Sometimes we can complain about our work, coworkers, workloads and our limitations. St. Joseph can teach us to give what we can and to be patient with others. He can teach us to be grateful. Go to Joseph, asking his intercession in our work and pray for those who are seeking for a job.

St. Joseph, Comfort of the Afflicted: No matter what we face, we have a father in St. Joseph. Perhaps you know the comfort of having an earthly father that you could turn to in times of difficulty, and pour out your heart to him. Perhaps this father gave you good advice and direction. Joseph is a father who seeks to comfort us and guide us. Go to Joseph, our father, and give him your cares and concerns.

Saint Joseph, patron of the Universal Church, pray for our priests and for all of us. Amen.