The Vocation to be an Altar Server

Serving God on the Sacred Altar

Being an altar server is much more than simply assisting during Mass. It is a sacred and meaningful vocation that holds profound importance in the life of the Catholic Church. Altar serving allows young people to actively participate in the liturgy and deepen their relationship with God in a unique and special way. It is an opportunity to serve in God’s presence and contribute to the beauty of the Eucharistic celebration.

The role of an altar server dates back to the early days of the Church. Traditionally, only boys served at the altar, but today both boys and girls are encouraged to actively participate in this important ministry. Altar servers assist the priest in various tasks, such as carrying the processional cross, holding the liturgical book, preparing the altar, and assisting during the Eucharistic prayers. They offer their time and talents to create a prayerful environment that allows the faithful to encounter Christ.
The vocation to be an altar server is a calling from God. When a young person feels drawn to this ministry, it is God calling them to serve Him in a unique and personal way. Just as priests and religious sisters and brothers respond to their vocation to serve God through their commitment to the Church, altar servers also answer God’s call by dedicating themselves to this important role.
Being an altar server is not just about performing tasks; it is about cultivating a deep connection with God. Altar servers have the privilege of being in close proximity to the sacred mysteries that take place on the altar. They witness the miracle of the Eucharist, where bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ. This proximity to the sacred allows them to grow in faith, love, and reverence for the Lord.

Additionally, serving at the altar helps young people cultivate a sense of discipline, responsibility, and teamwork. Altar servers must learn to follow the rubrics and liturgical guidelines with precision and attentiveness. They must be focused and dedicated to their tasks, ensuring that the liturgy flows smoothly and the celebration of the Mass is reverent and prayerful. Through their service, they develop valuable skills that can be applied to other areas of their lives.
Altar serving is not restricted only to the Mass. Altar servers are also called to serve during other liturgical celebrations such as weddings, funerals, and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This allows them to witness and participate in a wide range of sacramental moments, deepening their understanding of the faith and strengthening their relationship with God.

As with any vocation, being an altar server requires a commitment to ongoing formation and growth. Altar servers are encouraged to deepen their knowledge of the liturgy, the sacraments, and the teachings of the Church. This allows them to serve with a greater understanding and appreciation for the mysteries they are involved in. Regular participation in Holy Mass, receiving the sacraments, and engaging in personal prayer are all essential for the spiritual development of altar servers.

In the end, the vocation to be an altar server is an invitation to serve God in a particular and beautiful way. It is a calling to live out one’s faith actively, becoming more fully immersed in the richness of the liturgy and encountering Christ in a profound manner. Altar servers have the privilege of standing alongside the priest, assisting in the offering of the sacrifice, and witnessing the transformative power of the Eucharist. Truly, being an altar server is a noble and blessed vocation that allows young people to grow closer to God while serving Him wholeheartedly.

On 12th November, we remember all our Altar Servers. Let us pray for them so that they may serve the Altar with great love and devotion.

Fr. Leslie Gomes