Thoughts for November

We enter the month of November, thinking that in two months we will see the close of 2022, which is true. However according to the Liturgical Calendar (the church calendar), November is actually the last month of the year. The 4th Sunday of November is the 1st Sunday of Advent and the start of the New Liturgical year.

The Liturgical year begins with the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, followed by the Epiphany, 8 weeks of the Ordinary Times, Lent, Passion of Our Lord, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost (the birthday of the church). Another 24 weeks of Ordinary Times follow, ending with the kingship of Jesus on the 3rd Sunday of November. The calendar is designed to begin and end with Jesus Christ. The Church takes us through the events in the life of Jesus Christ in the very order Jesus had predicted to the Apostles and came to pass.

We are very privileged to belong to the Holy Catholic Church which spiritually nourishes us, day in and day out. Let us look at some of the key factors.

1)   The Church: We are so blessed to be able to enter the House of God – any day, any time – to just sit in the Real Presence of Jesus and absorb His peace into every pore of our being.

2)            Sunday: It is the day of the Lord, full of so much Importance that the very disposition of our soul changes – it is more Alive!! Keeping this day, Holy and Resting in the Lord, renews our mind and strengthens our soul to face the week ahead. At Mass, the prayers and Readings always point to Jesus. The homilies admonish and challenge us to fresh way of thinking, to repentance and renewal.

3)            Mass: At every sacrifice of the Mass, we are present at Calvary, to receive forgiveness. We offer in the chalice, all our struggles, sickness, broken relationships and difficulties, These are mingled with the Bread and Wine; at Consecration they become the Body and Blood of Jesus – Food and Nourishment for our soul, which we need every day. Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, if you do not eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you”. When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, we receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus. Let this reality sink into your soul, much of your fear will be erased.

4)            MOTHER MARY: Every month the church brings to us Mother Mary, to touch our hearts and our lives. We are reminded of her apparitions, where she calls the faithful to prayer and repentance because she’s concerned about our souls. We have all experienced the Power of the Rosary within our family and in our adversities.

5)            SEVEN SACRAMENTS: These Sacraments apply to us not just as individuals, but to every member in our family. They are a power-packed infusion of Grace – of Faith, Hope, Charity, Repentance, and Forgiveness to name a few. They touch the core of our being from birth to the final moment.

6)            ALL SAINTS DAY: At every Mass, we are presented with the lives of Saints – known and unknown, canonized in years gone by and even during our times; those from other countries and even our own country. Homilies on the lives of these Saints inspire us, by the depth of their love for Jesus to the extent of facing martyrdom of the worst kind. all saints Day is the feast of all those who don’t have their own feast day. Those Saints could be our ancestors and dear ones, who will be interceding for us to be with them in God’s Kingdom, for all eternity.

7)            ALL SOULS DAY: At every Mass, the Church prays for the dead who are going through the process of purification, thirsting for union with God in Purgatory. One of the greatest acts of charity we can do is pray for the Souls in Purgatory.

The month of November is a reminder of the powerful bond between us and those who have gone ahead of us.

Since November is the end of the (liturgical) year, our thanksgiving for the last eleven months should begin now and every day, our thanksgiving ends up as a general one – line prayer.

Suggestion for the New Year Resolution:-

(a)          To attend Mass on one day in the week, in addition to   Sunday.

(b)          To have a personal prayer time of say 20 minutes every morning.

Any difficulty on what to pray or how to pray? Prayer can be summed up in three phrases – Intercession, Thanksgiving, and Repentance. There is no moment in our life when we cannot turn to God and say PLEASE, THANK YOU and I’M SORRY. Do make a start.

May the Lord of Peace give you His Peace at all times and in every way. May the Lord be with you and your family always.

