Tooth whitening or Bleaching

One of the most popular cosmetic procedures is bleaching.
Many of us want a brighter and whiter smile. When it comes to tooth whitening you have got two options.
1) in-office based tooth bleaching
2) At home tooth bleaching
Both tooth whitening options use peroxide based bleaching agents. At- home systems contain from 3% to 30% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxide)
In- office systems contain 15% to 40% peroxide.

Generally, the longer you keep a stronger solution on your teeth the whiter your teeth become. However, the higher the percentage of peroxide in the whitening solution the shorter time it should be applied to the teeth. Keeping the gel on longer will dehydrate the tooth and increase tooth sensitivity.

There are pros & cons to each option but before you try at-home tooth bleaching kits, read the instructions well. And not everyone will see good results.
Bleaching will not whiten porcelain crowns and composite tooth – colored restorations.
Whether you use an at- home tooth whitening system, or have your teeth bleached by a dentist, you can help maintain the results by brushing, flossing and rinsing daily. Also avoid acidic and tannin -rich foods and beverages such as -black tea & coffee
White n red wine
Sports drinks
Carbonated beverages
Berries & other strongly – colored food

Tooth bleaching can make teeth temporarily sensitive and can even temporarily bleach the gums, if done incorrectly.
Tooth bleaching is the best way to eliminate yellow & discoloured teeth. However, you need to be aware that teeth bleaching is most effective for people with yellow teeth, and less effective for people with brown teeth.
If your teeth are grey, tooth bleaching probably won’t work at all.
Overall, tooth bleaching is effective & safe for most people.

– Dr. Siena Pacheco