Victorious Cross

Crucifix or cross is a symbol of Christianity and we are proud of this sign, to proclaim that we are Christians. Prior to the death of Jesus Christ, Cross was a sign of shame. One had to die on the cross as a punishment for the misdeeds. It was the ultimate punishment given to the criminals. The early Christians were taking the fish as a sign for Christ’s followers, to identify themselves in secret, because they were scared of the persecution. The fish symbol enabled them to recognize one another without the need of the verbal communication.

In the fourth century when Emperor Constantine was converted to Christianity, crucifixion was abolished as a punishment and the cross was made a symbol of the SON OF GOD. Today the cross is the universal symbol of Christianity. But in the early centuries after the death of Jesus there were other signs to identify the followers of Christ, namely a dove, a ship, an anchor and a zyre. Amongst all these the fish was used as a significant sign.

The Cross that we use now to identify ourselves was a sign of victory. As the cross, once a shameful form of execution for the criminals has become a predominant symbol of Christianity. As Jesus Christ had victory of Resurrection, it was a sign of victory rather than an act of shame. The victorious cross that we adorn in our necks, on Church tops, reflect that we belong to Jesus Christ. Our prayers all begin with a sign of the cross. The cross reminds us the sublime sacrifice made by Jesus Christ in dying on it, just to redeem us. The pain, shame and His life that He gave for us is an act of sacrifice to save us.

The Crucifix where Jesus was crucified was found by St. Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, during her pilgrimage to the holy land around 326 AD. She found this or rather discovered the fragments of the cross and the tomb in which Jesus was buried at Golgotha. It is said that the cross was made of Dogwood tall and similar to the Oakwood because of its mightiness and the tree was chopped and made into a cross for Jesus.

The Cross, the principal sign of Christian religion recalls crucifixion of Jesus Christ and all the redeeming benefits of His passion and death. Thus the cross is a sign of both Jesus Himself and the faith of Christians. When we look at the cross, it brings peace, reconciliation and unity. At the cross the whole world has the opportunity to be reconciled to the father.  On the cross Jesus also demonstrated His amazing love for humanity. The cross also tells us that the evil has been defeated and there will be good ending. The resurrection was not the reversal of a defeat.

We venerate the cross every time we enter the church. We give due respect on Good Friday, when the whole church mourns the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. On 3rd May, every year the church celebrates the feast of the Blessed Cross. On the 14th of September we celebrate the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, also called the Triumph of the Cross.

The cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, became for us a sign of victory. Jesus died on the cross to redeem us and set us free. Thus it became a victorious cross for all of us to remember that Jesus died for us to save us and to set us free.

Rosarito Coelo
Ward- VIII