“The dignity of man rests above all on the fact that he is called to communion with God”
The PCA i.e. the Parish Catechetical Association of St. Sebastian Church, Aquem organized the inaugural mass on 16th June 2024 at 9 am which marked the beginning of the Catechetical year 2024-25. Before the mass the children had catechism class where they met their catechism Teachers and had a short time together after which all gathered together in the church for the mass. The mass was celebrated by Our Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Agnel Rodrigues. After the post communion rites all the catechists were called in front to take the Oath together followed by the blessing with Holy Water.
The flow of the mass was smooth as all the readers did their part well.
Seeing the children back on their seats felt refreshing as the church looked bare without them just like how a garden looks empty without a flower bed.
After the mass the catechists had their first meeting of the year which ended at around 11:30am.
The catechists for this catechetical year are:
Sr. Godwina, Sr. Justina, Sr. Karol, Meena, Valantina, Bazia, Mieka, Valanka, Andrea, Saloni, Dashia, Loren, Sancha, Rayhan, Cedric, Sherida, Gladys, Valoshka, Savion, Chloe and Rhea.
Cathecathical Association
Report of the Catechetical Inaugural Day
The Catechetical inaugural day was held on the 10th of July 2022. The theme for this year was “Follow-me”. The Holy mass began with a procession by the catechists who gracefully walked the aisle and took their seats. The large participation by the children and parents greatly proved that catechism was truly missed. During the introductory prayer- the catechists read about the explanation of the logo and the same was displayed on the Screen. The choir was melodious and prayerful. Fr. Leslie Gomes our catechetical animator was the celebrant for the Holy mass, and preached an inspiring homily of following Jesus through all the situations of our life. After the Holy Communion, the catechists took the oath of imparting faith to the young minds. After the Holy mass, sweets/wafers were distributed to the children who then left for their homes with a smile. Read more
Teachers day message
From the moment you
became our teacher,
You taught us good
You guided us in the
right direction
You lead us towards
perfection. Read more
Mothers Day Special
From the time I was small,
You taught me to walk ,
you taught me to talk;
You taught me to draw
and to write,
May it be on the book
or on a board with
a chalk . Read more
Parish Catechetical Association Report
The catechetical year 2019-2020 of St Sebastian Church, Aquem began on 16th June 2019 with the catechetical theme, ‘Go and do Likewise’.
The members of the executive committee chosen by the catechists to carry out the year-round activities were as follows:
President- Savion Fernandes Vice President- Janice Fernandes Secretary- Rhea Bangalorkar Joint Secretary- Calandra Gomes Treasurer – Meika Ferrao Read more
Testimony of a Catechist
I quote “Give Jesus to the world. I have chosen you and you are mine” unquote.
Truly this quote changed my life. The quoted mandate has always been in my sight since 2013, the year I first stepped into this catechetical family under the guidance and footsteps of our beloved ex-parish priest Fr. Ligorinho. Joining this family has been my best decision and I don’t regret this till date. This association is not just a group of people functioning to spread the word of God and catechists but an association blessed with the noblest profession that not only moulds and shapes young hearts but as a person in totality.
Having been a part of this noble profession, I am blessed in many ways. First of all, this helped me to be closer to the Almighty. Secondly, to grow deeper in faith as my days go by. Third, to know the importance of every person’s perspective about life and God and the list goes on. Not forgetting Fr. Ligorinho’s words and I quote “Trust in God. All this will be done” unquote. Truly these Father’s words kept us going.
Being with children is one thing I always loved and joining this association has made me live up my liking. The smile on their faces does lighten everyone’s day. The innocence in them makes us want to teach them more. Their inquisitive minds asking those questions make not just them to think but makes me learn and inquire more about a given topic. Importantly this association made me read the Word of God more to know more.
This is not all, being a Catechist, taught me team work and to trust God in every part and parcel of my life. Lastly, it has been a boon to my faith in every day’s task. Not forgetting my co-catechists, who have been my guides and supporters right from day one. Lastly, I thank my parents for always being by my side and supporting me in every decision I take. This decision of joining the association has made a big difference in my life.
As I end my testimony, I quote the words of Pope Francis
“Being a catechist is not a title, it is an attitude of abiding with Him, and it lasts a lifetime! It means abiding in the Lord’s presence and letting ourselves be led by him”.
Rhea Bangalorkar
Colours, Pictures, Sparkles and so much more ….. truly a day well spent. The morning of August had the opportunity to get a glimpse of the children drawing, painting to their heart’s glory. The Poster Presentation, that was organized by the Catechetical Association laid emphasis over the following topics:
- Nature, God’s creation, let us protect it.
- Inter-religious Peace & Harmony.
- Catechism helps us grow in God’s love.
Dot at 10:00 am, like the bees ever engrossed in making honey into the beehive, our children left not a single stone unturned doing their best for the Poster Presentation. Upon completing their posters at 10:45 am, we had a short session, to speak up on the topics chosen by the children. Finally the posters were exhibited on 8th September on the occasion of the Feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary.
Mother’s Day Report
The day that celebrates the essence of a mother is Mother’s Day and is one of those occasions that none of us can afford to miss to show our love for our mothers. So in order to honor the mothers, we, the Catechetical Association had a small celebration on 10th September, wherein we had mass for all the mothers and special blessings were showered upon them. After the mass there was a short programme. Every year we used to select one mother as a representative for all mothers. But this year we didn’t select any representative, instead we made Mother Mary as our Chief Guest, the role model for every mother.

Amchea Calendar-a porponnem Novem voros Janerache Ek tarker suru zata zalear Financial voros Aprilache Ek tarker suru zata. Toxench amche Povitr Sobhechem Gonvllik novem voros Junache Ek tarker suru zata ani soglea Gonvllik vaurak survat ditat. Ho gonvllik vaur fuddem vorunk zaiteo sonvstha khand martat ani tantuntli ek sonvstha mhonnlear Dotonichi sonvstha. Read more
Report on “Evening with Jesus”
When two or three are gathered in my name there am I in their midst. MT 18:20.
On 6th July 2017, the Catechists with Fr. Gregory Cruz our Assistant Parish Priest, gathered in the Church at 6:30pm to spend the evening with Jesus.
The theme of the Holy Hour was “Aminch Bhavartache Nomunne Zaum-ia”. It focused on the new catechetical year 2017 – 2018.
The evening started with a brief introduction followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, acknowledging the presence of Our Lord Jesus amongst us. We read and reflected on the word of God and implored God’s blessings on us and the catechism children and their families. We concluded with the final blessing by Fr. Gregory.
Fatima Fernandes