Sondex – January 2025

Novea Vorsak Kitem Novem? Novem Voros tumkam sogllea Firgoz karank anvddetam Fr. Josely ani mhojea nanvàn kuxealborit-anondborit hem Novem Voros zaumdi.Punn kitem Novem? Novem dress, Novem suit sogllem nesonn Novem, moche nove naka? Borem borem, tevui addumya. Anik kitem Novem? Table cloth, chair, covers new plastic flowers to be placed in the hall? Zaum tuvem boro ughddas kelo nam tor, amchem Sal khali khali dispachem. Nitoll korpachem anik kitem urlam?

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Editorial – January 2025

In konkani, we normally say,”khoincheanuch ailem. anim khuincheanuch ghelem”..Yes, seconds, minutes, hours, days and months just passed away forcing the year 2024 to gradually fade into oblivion. Was this year different from the other years? Well, we could get lot of divergent views, more so as the year gone by was a leap year. In this context it would be very interesting to try and listen to those who still believe in superstition and may have lots to complain about the negative happenings of the past year. They must be happy to heave a sigh of relief which will hopefully last for the next four years until the arrival of the next leap year.

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Congratulations to Our Church Magazine ‘Pormoll’ on 25 Years of Service!

On behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council, it is with great joy and gratitude that we extend our heartfelt congratulations to our beloved Church Magazine ‘Pormoll’ on the momentous occasion of its 25th anniversary. Over the past quarter of a century, this publication has been a vital form of communication, connecting our parish community, spreading the Word of God, and celebrating the life and mission of our Church.
It is also heartening to note that we are celebrating the Jubilee of the Church Magazine coinciding with the commencement of the Jubilee year 2025 from 24th December 2024 with the theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. Our Parish has been fortunate to have a committed team in ‘Pormoll’ in the form of Priest Coordinators, Editors, Writers, Designers who have transitioned through the times and stayed relevant all these 25 years.
The ‘Pormoll’ has shared in the communion building goal of the Parish Pastoral Council which is the main Pastoral Body of the Parish, representing all sections of the People of God in the Parish and meant to function as the Principal form of collaboration, dialogue and discernment at the Parish. We are happy to note that the Church Magazine has aptly played its role as a communion builder.

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Holy Mary, The Mother of God

There are so many celebrated works in honor and praise of the Blessed Virgin Mary; however, the praise of Mary is an inexhaustible fountain, the more it is enlarged the fuller it gets, and the more you fill it, so much more it is enlarged. In fact, our dear Mother is great and sublime, that the more she is praised the more there remains to be praised. The source of her honor is in the fact that she is called: THE MOTHER OF GOD- Theotokos.

The dogma of the Theotokos proclaims that Mary is the true Mother of Jesus who is God the Son made man. This work on the Theotokos, therefore, attempts to bring simple insights to ordinary minds about the place of Mary as the Mother of God. Theotokos. The Word Theotokos derives from two Greek words, (theos) meaning “God” and (tokos) meaning “parturition or childbirth.” When this is translated literally, it would mean “God- bearer” or “the one who gives birth to God.” The writings of Henry Newman taught, “Mary was no mere instrument of God’s dispensation. The Word of God did not merely pass through her as He may pass through us in Holy Communion. It was no heavenly body which the Eternal Son assumed. No, He imbibed; He sucked up her blood and her substance into His Divine person. He became man from her and received her lineaments and her features as the appearance and character under which He should manifest Himself to the world. He was known, doubtless, by His likeness to her, to be her Son.

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St. Timothy and St. Titus

The Roman Catholic Church Venerates St. Timothy with St. Titus by a memorial on 26th January, one day after the feast of the conversion of St. Paul. In India, the memorial is delayed because of Republic Day, hence it is celebrated on 27th January.
Timothy and Titus were two faithful men of God who were trained by St. Paul to guide the early Church. They were trusted friends and co-workers with St. Paul through many of his trials, Paul was very close to both Timothy and Titus, calling each his ‘Son’ in his epistles. As they ministered to their respective Church communities, Paul encouraged them to stand firm in the truth. They took on the mantle of leadership at a young age, remained faithful and upright, serving God with sound judgement and helping the early Church to flourish after Paul passed away.

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The Chair of Unity Octave: A Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Every year, from January 18th to 25th the Church observes a special period of prayer for the return of our separated brethren to full communion with the Catholic Church. Called the Chair of Unity of Octave or the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, it extends from the traditional Feast of the Chair of St. Peter at Rome (January 18) until the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25).
The term “Chair of Unity” refers to the symbol of the papacy, the chair of St. Peter, who is considered the first Pope and the earthly head of the Catholic Church. This chair, which signifies the authority of the papacy, is a powerful symbol of the unity of the Church under the leadership of the Pope. The “Chair of Unity Octave” is a reminder that all Christians, despite their different denominations (Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist etc.), share a common heritage in Christ, and that the Church’s mission is to work towards unity with all believers.

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The Parable of the Talents: A Modern Lesson for Parents

In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus shares the parable of the talents. A master entrusts his servants with varying amounts of silver before leaving on a journey. Two of them wisely invest and multiply what they receive, while one buries his share out of fear. Upon the master’s return, those who had invested wisely were praised and rewarded, while the one who buried his talent faced rebuke.
This timeless story teaches us the value of stewardship and the importance of using resources wisely. Today, as parents, we are called to be stewards not only of our own blessings but also to guide our children to become their wise stewards. In the modern world, one of the most practical ways to prepare children for a life of independence and generosity is by teaching them the value of investing early.
The Role of a Financial Advisor in Guiding Families.

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Day of Non-violence and Peace

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” Isaac Asimov.
“Peace is an acronym of: Protect.. Educate.. Aid Children Everywhere.”
School Day of Non-violence and Peace is observed in schools worldwide, on January 30 to motivate tomorrow’s citizens to find non-violent solutions to conflicts.
This day reminds us of the teachings of pacifists and advocates of non -violence, including Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated on January 30,1948 for his beliefs. He believed in non-violent resistance against injustice. His teachings continue to inspire millions around the world, and his message that peace is achievable through non-violent action, is a food for thought.

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New Beginnings

May the light of this New Year bring peace to your soul, purpose to your heart, and joy to your days. As we step into 2025, may the divine presence guide our every path, blessing us with wisdom, courage, and abundant grace. May this year be filled with moments of reflection, growth, and love as we nurture our spirit and spread kindness to those around us. Remember, each day is a gift, each breath a blessing, and every sunrise a reminder of God’s infinite mercy.
It is said in many spiritual traditions that beginnings hold immense power. They carry the promise of transformation, renewal, and grace. As we embrace this new season, let us offer gratitude for the gift of life and trust that every step we take is supported by unseen hands. Each day is an opportunity to live with compassion, hope, and love, spreading kindness wherever we go.

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Loose Teeth in Adults

When you are a child, your first loose tooth can be a cause for celebration; when you are an adult, it definitely isn’t.
Loose teeth in adults occurs when a tooth loses support and slowly detaches from the gums and bone. The slightest touch may cause the tooth to move, and eating or chewing can cause further loosening.
Any tooth that becomes loose is at risk of needing to be removed or, at worst, falling out.
Biting and chewing with a tooth that is not securely attached in its socket can be difficult or even painful.
If you develop a loose tooth later in life, you may experience other symptoms as well. These include:
bleeding gums
swollen gums
red gums
gum recession

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