Pormoll Editorial – November 2022

We are in the penultimate month of this year,2022,a month dedicated to the dead.It`s a fact of life that whoever is born to this world,has to necessarily die.It is said,to die is easy,it’s living that’s hard,as those living,mourn the death of their loved ones.

The Church celebrates 1st November as the day to remember all the Saints and Martyrs during the Christian history.Centuries and generations have passed by since their deaths but we remember and pray to all the holy men and women who have been canonized by the Church.In addition,we can pray not only to our favourite Saints,but we can also call upon our departed brothers and sisters who we believe are already with God,enjoying heavenly bliss. Read more

Exercising your way through mental health

Over the past two decades the global burden of disease has shifted from communicable to non-communicable diseases such as cancers, heart diseases, orthopaedic problems and diabetes, especially among older adults. People with these conditions are often prone to experiencing depression, stress and anxiety.  Mental health conditions can occur at any point in life and require long-term support. Intervention is usually in the form of medication that is prescribed for a prolonged period of time and known to have side effects.  Moreover, in our society, we stigmatize the concept of mental health and avoid talking about it openly, but do we consider taking other measures that also have remedial effects on mental health? People prefer quick results or aren’t aware of other alternatives most of the times. Although medications give instant relief, which is necessary in times of extreme distress, we ought to consider other alternatives which are gaining interest in the past few years. Physical activity is receiving much research attention in this domain.  Read more

Vatter Gozal – July 2022

Tadev:  Dev boro Dis dium, Simao Titiv.

Simao:  Tuka-i dium Tadev. Hea disamnim tuje thaim ulounk mellonk nam. Punn tuka hanvem Bhagevont Anton-ichea Festak pollelolo.

Tadev: Oi Titiv, hanv Festak aslom. Tea adim dor  disa Trezen-achea Misak-ui hanv hajir aslom.

Simao: Ekdom borem kelem. Zaito lok aslo nhoim? Sogllem manddavollin zalem tem polloun borem dislem. Lokak Bhagevont Anto-icher zaito bhavarth asa dekhun pois axil’lea ganvantlo passun lok hangasor ieta.

Tadev:  Oi lokacho bhavarth tho. Milagrincho Sant dekhun tache vorvim zaiteo milagrio zaleleo ami dekhtanv ani polletanv. Read more

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Life often brings to us situations where we have to choose:-

a) Either to forget ourselves and our needs and to reach out to another;

b) With a ‘Can’t be bothered’ attitude, ignore the need of another, giving priority to our own situation and problems.

In the midst of one’s own struggle, to be able to see what the other is going through and reach out in self-forgetfulness, is to truly obey Jesus’s command, “As I have loved you, love one another.” Read more

St. Sebastian Feast, Aquem – Novena manddavoll Feb 2022

Day and Date Theme Novena Orginasier
12:00 noon – Maddiecher Axirvad Cofre Committee + Ward 11
Vixoi: Jivitachi novi dixa ani novo bhorvanso diunk amche-xim rav
Vachpam:  Efez 1/3-6, 15-18 (V.G pg 84) Lk. 5/12-16 (V G pg 103)
6:15 am – Legiao Marie
7:30 am & 6:00 pm Ward 10 + 9
Vixoi: Kuttumbantlo mogacho thevo sodun kaddunk amche-xim rav.
Vachpam: 1 Zu 4/7-12 (V.G. pg 525); Ju.1 5/12-16 (VG pg 528)
6:15 am – S. S. V. P.
7:30 am & 6:00 pm Ward 8 + 7
Vixoi: Amchim kuttumbam Mogache, kuxalkaieche korunk amche-xim rav.
Vachpam: Efez 4/1-6 (V.G. pg 396); Mt. 2/13-15,19-23 (V.G. pg 75)
7:00 am –  Teachers
9:00 am & 6:00 pm Ward 6 + 5
Vixoi: Bhavarthachi ollokh gheunk ani diunk amche-xim rav.
Vachpam: 2 Pet1/1-17 (V.G. pg 1038); Mk. 13/44-46 (V.G. pg 1222)
6:15 am –  Parish Youth Group
7:30 am & 6:00 pm Ward  4 + 3
Vixoi: Bhed utrun, novem moniskull nirmann korunk amche-xim rav.
Vachpam: Gal. 3/22-29 (V.G. pg 1433); Mk. 8/22-26 (V.G. pg 983)
6:15 am – Sports Club
7:30 am & 6:00 pm Ward  2 + 1
Vixoi: Ganv ghora thaun pois asloleank mogan vengounk amche-xim rav.
Vachpam: Lev. 19/30-37 (P.P.); Mt. 15/21-28 (V.G. pg 1245)
6:15 am – Pormoll Committee
7:30 am & 6:00 pm Ward  19 + 18
Vixoi: Kristi bhavartantlim sandloleank porot haddunk amche-xim……
Vachpam: Kol. 2/6-15 (V.G. pg1341); Jn. 17/20-23 (V.G. pg 529)
6:15 am –  Catechists
7:30 am & 6:00 pm Ward  17 + 16
Vixoi: Niraxi zal’leank novo bhorvanso diunk amche-xim rav.
Vachpam: Jak. 1/19-27 (V.G. pg 982); Mt. 25/31-40 (V.G. pg 501)
6:15 am – Divine Mercy Group
7:30 am & 6:00 pm Ward  15 + 14
Vixoi: Rochnneche rakhonddar ani sevok zaunk amche-xim rav.
Vachpam: Ut. 2/4-9, 15 (V.G. pg 691); Mt. 6/25-35 (V.G. pg 763)
6:15 am – Eucharistic Ministers
7:30 am & 6:00 pm Ward  13+ 12
Bhag. Sebastiao baxen addkollim modem kristi govai zaunk amche-xim rav.
1) Is. 55/1-3, 6-9 (V.G. pg675)  2) Heb. 9/11-15 (V.G. pg 793)   3) Lk. 24/13-35 (V.G. pg 796)
5:30 am – Legiao Marie Group members

7:00 am – Catechists

8:30 am – Youth Group members

10:00 am – Parish Pastoral Council Members

The Baptism of Jesus

The Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord on 09th January 2022. Now what is Baptism and why does Jesus have the need to be baptised?

Baptism is the first sacrament that a person receives, and it opens the door to all the other sacraments. Baptism is a visible symbol of God’s love. The word “baptize” means to sprinkle or immerse in water. Water is considered both a precious product and a religious symbol for purification, renewal, and life. The water used in Baptism is a symbol of cleansing, restoring, and giving new life. Baptism is the means by which one receives the Holy Spirit. The sacrament is called “the gateway to life in the Spirit” (CCC, 1213). The bare for our Baptism is the Baptism of Jesus. Read more

Social media and mental health

“Don’t be a slave to technology – manage your phone don’t let it manage you”- Richard Branson
The rapid growth of social media over the last decade has established an entirely new medium for human interactions. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram enable people from every corner of the world to be connected 24*7. It is estimated that 3 billion people (approximately 1/3rd of the world population) currently use social media.
To paraphrase Spiderman – With such great influence and power comes great responsibility. Irresponsible and excessive use of social media leads to what is referred to by a wide variety of studies and experts as, social media addiction. It is currently estimated that social media addiction affects 5% of young adults and was recently described as potentially more addictive than alcohol or cigarettes.
This article aims to briefly describe how social media, if used irresponsibly, could affect mental well-being. Read more

Vatter gozal – July 2021

Tadev:  Simao Titiv, Dev Boro dis dium. Sokallim bhair sorun khoim vetai?

Simao:  Dev tuka kurpa dium, Tadev. Mhozo ek ixtt boro nam mhonn tachi khobor gheunk vetam. To zannteanchea ghorant asa.

Tadev:  Tachim ghorchim konnuch nant tor?

Simao:  Asat, punn tim soglim bhailea ganvanim aplo sonvsar choloitat.

Tadev: Bongom babddeachem, veginuch boro zalear puro Read more

Sacred Heart of Jesus &  Immaculate Heart of Mary

Two beautiful heart warming feasts follow each other in the month of June bringing before us the flavour of love & purity. They are the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus followed next day by the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The pictures we have at home on the altar depict the heart of Jesus & of Mary with a flame symbolising burning love

Let us turn our gaze on the Immaculate Heart of Mary burning with love, a sword piercing her heart. The sword pierced Her Heart many times, yet She kept Her heart pure & Immaculate. She had to work on it.

Mother Mary was known to be praying when Angel Gabriel appeared to her at the annunciation. She knew the scriptures hence her prompt answer “be it done unto Me….”She only knew that Jesus was the son of God. She lived Her life in that belief. She carried Herself in the constant awareness that the one in Her womb was the son of God. Her habit that we too can cultivate when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion!! That we are carrying the son of God. Mother Mary’s simplicity & humility gave Her poise & Read more

Easter Message from the Parish Priest

Dear Parishioners,
Time flies by so quickly. Since the beginning of Lent season on Ash Wednesday where we enthusiastically began with a long journey of 40 days of prayer and penance, little did we think that the situation would change so drastically, that we would almost live the biblical days of the Old Testament and slowly move on to the New Testament. On the night where the Hebrews would set out for freedom, they had their last meal. For the supper they would kill a lamb and smear the blood on their door posts. Whoever house the blood of the lamb was not put, that night the first born in the family would die. Even the mighty Pharaoh’s first born son was killed that night. The angel of death knew no preferences and differences. Read more